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RE: Building an Interface

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Subject: RE: Building an Interface
From: BELEM Mahamadou (
Date: Mon May 29 2006 - 14:48:49 CEST

To understand more concerning smalltalk GUI, I advise you to see visualworks forum. Cormas runs under VW, building GUI depends only of VW and not Cormas.
  But to link your model to your GUI, I propose you a solution that I applicated in my model:
  First you create in your cormas model, an attribut, for ex: "myInterface"
  Second, you create an attribut in your GUI, for ex: myModel"
  Thirst you create an instance of your GUI that you assign to myInterface attribut of your cormas model
  Fourth, you assign your cormas model to myModel attribut of your GUI.
  Then, to initialize an attribut of your cormas model from your GUI, you do:
                 myModel element: self element value.
  and in the cormas model, to manipulate your GUI, you do:
  myInterface open to open the GUI.
  Note: To open an interface, you must use an instance of your Interface classe.
  Ex: newInterface:= MyInterface new.
  after initialization of newInterface, you do
  newInterface open.
  On the other way, how is it possible to use a button on the smalltalk GUI (MySmalltalkGUI) to activate an Item of the cormas Menu, namely the item "Probes" of the Menu "Visualisation"
  each item menu corresponds to an action to execute. To activate an Item, you execute only this action (methode) throuth the cormas model.
  Ex: to activate the prob menu item you do in cormas model this syntax:
  self simManager cormas defineChartsObs.
  In the GUI, you do
  myModel simManager cormas defineChartsObs.
  Best regards

Etienne Kouokam <> a écrit :
          Good morning all,
  I've built an inteface using the smalltalk GUI (Graphic User Interface) but I'll like it to interact with another application that I've implemented using Cormas. That is, to open the smalltalk GUI (MySmalltalkGUI) from the Cormas model (e.g. MySmalltalkGUI open. I've tried it but it doesn't work), retrieve information entered in MySmalltalkGUI to instantiate some objects of the cormas application. For example, I'l like to associate a value (myValue) entered through the GUI to a specified object (myObject) of the cormas model and I don't know how to proceed to establish the link. The GUI I've built is a subclass of ApplicationModel.
  On the other way, how is it possible to use a button on the smalltalk GUI (MySmalltalkGUI) to activate an Item of the cormas Menu, namely the item "Probes" of the Menu "Visualisation"
  Finaly, I'll like to know if there exists tutorials explaining how to build a GUI on Cormas
  Best regards
            Etienne KOUOKAM
Laboratoire MAT (Modélisation et Applications thématiques)
  Université de Yaoundé I
Département d'Informatique
B.P 8265 Yaoundé CAMEROUN
Tél. (+237) 505 24 01 / (+237) 200 09 16

BELEM Mahamadou
Doctorant en Informatique
Institut de Recherche Pour le Dévloppement (IRD-Montpellier)
ENGREF 648, rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494 - 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5 FRANCE
Cel: (33) 06 33 91 49 27
"La différence entre la théorie et la pratique, c'est qu'en théorie
il n'y a pas de différence entre la théorie et la pratique, mais
qu'en pratique, il y en a une (Jan Van de Sneptscheut)"
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