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RE : add initagents

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Subject: RE : add initagents
From: Christophe Le Page (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2006 - 13:02:27 CEST


Hi Miao,


Suppose you have written a method like this:


createAgent: aClass number: anInteger

      anInteger timesRepeat: [self newEntity: aClass]


Then you can use it in the "init" method



self createAgent: AgentClass number: 10


as well as in the "step:" method

step: t


(t \\ 10) isZero ifTrue: [self createAgent: AgentClass number: 10]





> -----Message d'origine-----

> De : [] De

> la part de Miao Wang

> Envoyé : vendredi 2 juin 2006 12:53

> À :

> Objet : add initagents


> Hi everyone!


> Is it possible to change the number of initagents during the simulation?

> For example when t=0 the initagents number is 10, when t=10, other 10

> initagents are added ,not interfering the former 10 agents' status?


> Thank you very much !


> Mira



> Miao Wang at Geomatics

> School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

> G.19, Cassie Building,

> University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU

> England

> Email:


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