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[cormas] new publications

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Subject: [cormas] new publications
From: Francois Bousquet (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2006 - 04:08:51 CEST

Three new publications referenced on the web



Bah A., I. Touré, C. Le Page, A. Ickowitz and A. Diop 2006. An agent based
model to understand the multiple uses of land and resources around drillings
in Sahel. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44 (5-6), pp: 513-534


Purnomo H. and P. Guizol 2006. Simulating forest plantation co-management
with a multi-agent system. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44 (5-6), pp:


Soulié J.-C. and O. Thébaud 2006. Modelling fleet response in regulated
fishery: an agent-based approach. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44
(5-6), pp: 553-564


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