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Portrait of phase

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Subject: Portrait of phase
From: Etienne Kouokam (
Date: Wed Sep 27 2006 - 17:30:54 CEST

Good morning all!

I'll like to plot some probes in cormas.
I have x=f(t) and y=g(t) and I know how to do it but
I'll like to obtain a portrait of phase (g in
X-coordinate and f in Y-coordinate). Can you help me
please, What can I do?

          Etienne KOUOKAM
Laboratoire MAT (Modélisation et Applications thématiques)
  Université de Yaoundé I
Département d'Informatique
B.P 8265 Yaoundé CAMEROUN
Tél. (+237) 505 24 01 / (+237) 200 09 16


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