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correction for CormasToExcel connection with Excel2007

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Subject: correction for CormasToExcel connection with Excel2007
From: Nicolas Becu (
Date: Sat Jul 12 2008 - 18:24:52 CEST

Dear all,


I had troubles since I got Excel2007 to export probes to Excel. An error was
occurring during the connection.

After some struggle I found out that it was due to the fact that when
Excel2007 (at least on my computer) creates a new document, it creates by
default only one sheet, and not 3 sheets as for previous Excel versions.


I'm not sure if this 'bug' was mentioned elsewhere and if it has already
been corrected, but if not, here is a patch I made that can solve the
problem. It overwrites an existing CormasToExcel method. So be sure you
encounter this issue before to fileIn it, otherwise it might disrupt your
CormasToExcel connection.





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