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[ISAGA'09] Last days for submitting a proposal

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Subject: [ISAGA'09] Last days for submitting a proposal
From: Christophe Le Page (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2009 - 18:26:02 CET


ISAGA (International Simulation and gaming Association) annual conference
will be held in Singapore - 29 June to 3 July 2009. This will be a special
event, being both the 40th Anniversary and the 1st South East Asian ISAGA
conference, and last but not least there will be one specific track on
simulation & gaming for natural resources management.


The theme of the conference is "Learn to Game, Game to Learn". We learn
about games and simulations; and then we learn from games and simulations.
The conference theme embodies this double aspect. Between the learning and
the game are people, methodology, and technology. The theme acknowledges the
idea that players should first learn how to play and participate before
being able to learn. It also acknowledges the

idea that teachers, trainers and researchers should learn about games and
simulations, and how to use them. They should also learn about the

methodologies and technologies. Then they may help their participants to
reach through the methodology and technology to the games and

simulations that they organize.


The theme is broad and encompasses all aspects of games, simulations,
experiential learning exercises and related methods as used in

learning, training, development, research and other areas.


The 40th ISAGA conference will be an opportunity for people to take stock,
reflect on (debrief) the last 40 years, and to survey the current state of
simulation/gaming, and to reflect forward (brief) into the future.


Tracks have 3 main focuses: technology, content and methodology, covering
areas as follows:-

1. Technology: Interactive Digital Media; Mobile Gaming;
Simulators; Virtual Communities; Virtual Reality

2. Content: Education & Learning; Engineering; Healthcare;
Humanities; Management Sciences; Natural Resources; Professional Training;
Public Policy-making & Politics

3. Methodology: Assessment Studies; Change Processes; Game Design;
Theory Testing


You are cordially invited to submit proposals to the following type of


. Single Papers - Technical papers will be presented in single paper
sessions, with papers of related issues (e.g., from the same track)
scheduled in the same session as much as possible. A paper presentation will
be typically scheduled for 20-30 minutes in a session.

. Interactive sessions - These are sessions in which a fair amount
of time is spent interacting with participants. Sessions can take the form
of a tutorial, a workshop, a demo, participation in a game, simulation or
exercise. A session may consist of several contributions by several
participants with a common theme. The proposer will be the session leader
who invite the other contributors and organize the session. Each interactive
session is scheduled in multiples of 1-hour time slot.

. Poster sessions - The aim of a poster session is to allow a less
formal presentation to advertise and share an ongoing research with
conference participants. Space in a room or in a common area at the
conference venue will be allocated to allow a quick and efficient
communication of presentation to the viewers, allowing viewers to discuss it
one on one with the presenter. A limited number of posters will be accepted
on a first-come-first-served basis.

. Laptop sessions - These are similar to poster sessions and subject
to the same space constraint, except that the presentations will be done on
the presenters' own equipment such as a laptop.

. Open space activities - The aim of such sessions is to allow
extended people movement in games and simulations, through exhibits,
game-stations, and product demonstrations or others.


Proposals are to be submitted online at


Important Dates

. 01 March 2009 Deadline for all proposals

. 01 April 2009 Latest date of notification about acceptance of

. 25 April 2009 Last day for early bird registration

. 01 June 2009 Final submission Paper format


We look forward to hearing from you and meeting you at ISAGA2009.

For further information, please email




Dr Christophe LE PAGE


Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Chulalongkorn University

Phyathai Road - Pathumwan

Bangkok 10330



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