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3rd revised edition of "The magic circle: principles of gaming & simulation"

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Subject: 3rd revised edition of "The magic circle: principles of gaming & simulation"
From: J. Klabbers (
Date: Fri Dec 11 2009 - 12:17:00 CET

Dear Bernard,

I would like to draw your attention that very recently the 3rd
revised edition of the book "The Magic Circle: Principles of gaming
& simulation" has been published.

For more details:

I have added new sections in chapters 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Moreover, in
the preview (and further in the book), I have presented the outline
of game science as an encompassing frame of reference for gaming &
simulation methods, see the preview of the book.

Would you like to inform Cormas members about it?

Best wishes,

Dr. Jan H.G. Klabbers, Prof. em.

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