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Re: Spatial Grid managment

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Subject: Re: Spatial Grid managment
From: Pierre (
Date: Mon Mar 29 2010 - 18:56:17 CEST

Olá Jean-Max,
Normaly you don't have to refresh specificaly the spatial grid.
It is automaticaly done at the moment where a modification occures, at
the condition that the setter attribute method is written in that way :

    monAttribut: nouvelleValeur
        monAttribut := nouvelleValeur.
        self defineVisualState; show

Moreover, this "defineVisualState; show" will be replaced by "self
changed" in the next Cormas version...
Até a próxima,

Christophe LE PAGE a écrit :
> *De :* Jean-Max Estay []
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 26 mars 2010 01:39
> *À :*
> *Objet :* Spatial Grid managment
> Hello,
> How to, by program :
> - specify the pov of the spatial grid,
> */[clp] Entity activePov : #thisOne./*
> - refresh the spatial grid after changes during a STEP.
> */[clp] self theCells do : [:aCell | aCell defineVisualState; show]/*
> Thanks
> */[clp] de nada... /**/J/**//*

Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
UnB - Faculdade de tecnologia.
Departamento de engenharia mecânica
Campus universitário Darcy Ribeiro
Asa norte   	Brasília - DF
tel : (00 55 61) 3208 3405
cel : (00 55 61) 8122 2878

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