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Post-Doc or Research Associate

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Subject: Post-Doc or Research Associate
From: francois bousquet (
Date: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 04:45:40 CET

Title of job: Two post-doc positions on the BISON project at Bologna

Description of job: The Computer Science Department at the University of Bologna has openings for 2 outstanding candidates at the Post-Doc or Research Associate level to work on a new EU-funded FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) project called BISON (Biology-Inspired techniques for Self Organization in dynamic Networks). Work involves development of foundations and tools for applying biology-inspired Complex Adaptive Systems ideas to the design of self-organizing and robust information systems for deployment in ad hoc and virtual networks, peer-to-peer and grid architectures. BISON project partners include the University of Bologna (Italy), Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Telenor Communication (Norway), IDSIA (Switzerland) and the Santa Fe Institute (U.S.A.).

Web page for further info:

Who to contact: Prof. Ozalp Babaoglu

Closing date: Saturday, March 1, 2003

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