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Re: Modelling for Decision Making: Call for Papers for MODSIM 2005, M elbourne

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Subject: Re: Modelling for Decision Making: Call for Papers for MODSIM 2005, M elbourne
From: Pascal Perez (
Date: Tue Dec 07 2004 - 03:03:55 CET

Dear Herry,

Just to mention to our CORMAS community (and beyond) that we are also concerned with another MODSIM05 session called:

"Human Ecosystems Modelling and Management with Agents" organised by David Batten (CSIRO), Nils Ferrand (CEMAGREF) and myself (ANU/CIRAD)

As D. Gimblett and R. Itami have already proposed a session on " Advances in multi-agent simulations in geographic space"... there is plenty of room for ABM/MAS approaches!

Having said that, after discussion with A.Zerger (co-convenor of MODSIM05) it might be that the organizing committee ask for some "reshuffling" between sessions according to the number of abstracts received.



Pascal Perez, PhD
HEMA Network convenor
Research School of Pacific & Asian Studies
RMAP Program - room 5013- Coombs Building
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200

tel: (61) (0)2 61 25 87 05
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Purnomo, Herry (CIFOR)
  Cc: Dewi, Sonya (CIFOR)
  Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 4:53 PM
  Subject: Modelling for Decision Making: Call for Papers for MODSIM 2005, M elbourne

  Dear Colleagues,

  MODSIM 2005 international conference will take place in Melbourne, Australia, from 12-15 December 2005 ( We will be co-managing a special session entitled "Modelling of common pool resource management for decision making in developing countries".

  We believe, you have been working on some fine natural resource management related modeling, which fits under the topic of our special session. MODSIM 2005 would be an excellent forum for you to share your knowledge and findings with a wide audience. Hereby, we invite you to submit a paper for this session.

  Abstracts are due by 18 March 2005 and should be submitted using the Web-Based Conference Management System available at Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by 8 April 2005. Full papers with extended abstracts will be due by 12 August 2005.

  We would appreciate your help in forwarding this information to any interested colleagues, students, and relevant mailing lists. If you need further information, please contact us. We look forward to receiving your abstracts.

  Yours sincerely,

  Sonya Dewi ( and Herry Purnomo (


  Special Session Abstract

  Modeling of common pool resource management for decision making in developing countries

  Common pool resources inherently embrace the temporal and spatial dynamics of quality and quantity of natural resources, anthropogenic factors and geographical factors. Managing these resources to increase community welfare while preserving the environment is tremendously complex, especially in developing countries where regulations and institutions are not well established and enforced. Considerable effort has gone into developing models and tools for decision making in common resources pool management. While natural resource management modeling increasingly attracts more attention, mostly within the circles of academics or researchers, there has been little to no discussion on the use and usefulness of the models, the appropriate roles of the modelers, strategies to influence decision makers and their impacts.

  This session invites papers on ideas and experiences in the modeling and simulation of common pool resources management and how they can be used effectively in developing countries. This session will discuss issues on the following: (a) Simulation and modeling of integrated natural resources management, (b) Integration of action research and modeling in natural resources management, (c) The role of modelers in the management of complex adaptive systems, (d) Modeling of social capital and social movement, and (d) The uses of modeling in true-life decision and policy-making processes

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