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Ethics models and experiments: graduate and post-doctoral positions

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Subject: Ethics models and experiments: graduate and post-doctoral positions
From: Francois Bousquet (
Date: Wed Jan 25 2006 - 20:23:54 CET




Dear colleagues,


My research group at the Univ. of British Columbia, NERD
<> (Norms Evolving in Response to
Dilemmas) is part of a the GE3LS
id=c3p25&l=e> ARC project that has received substantial funding from
Genome Canada/BC. My group is modeling different types of more or less moral
agents, and building new interactive survey instruments to test models
against real human populations and serious decision problems in ethics and


Our research group is student oriented. It includes a number of excellent
graduate and post-doctoral students, mounts regular for-credit courses, and
supports student participation in authoring and presenting our work. We
have funding for additional students and would like to broaden the
disciplinary base of our group. So please bring our ads to the attention of
students interested in modeling (game theoretic, evolutionary, agent-based,
etc) and experimental social science in an interdisciplinary friendly
ethics context. I can supervise students in philosophy
<> or interdisciplinary studie
<> s; my colleagues in our research group can
supervise in a range of departments and disciplines.


This is a terrific opportunity for students interested in a challenging mix
of formal and applied work. Our science partners include major genomics labs
ranging from emerging infectious diseases, through mouse and salmonid
genomics, to forestry.


Graduate <> student

Post-doc <> ad


In any case, check out my group's site
<> for our two surveys (on genomics and
human health and salmon) and our recent papers and presentations.






Peter Danielson p.604.822.0537 f...822.8627 c...312.7818

Mary & Maurice Young Professor of Applied Ethics

Director, W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics

Univ of Brit. Columbia <>

227 - 6356 Agric. Rd





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