Coupled Models

Jeu de rôle au Vietnam


In some models, Cormas is associated to other applications. These applications can be geographic information systems (MapInfo or ArcView), data bases (Access) or other models (Vensim).

The link between Cormas and the other applications can be of type DLL, ODBC or DDE.

But the distinction between the various models depends especially on the dynamics of the coupling.

Basic Coupling

Some models use data provided by another application (a GIS for example), in order to initialize a spatial configuration or the characteristics of agents. In the case of a spatial configuration provided by a GIS, Cormas work with vectorial spatial entities.

The models are the following ones:

[Burkina]: soil quality indicators in Burkina Faso (Serge Guillobez).

[Gammanym] : Diffusion and Social Networks: a Multi-Agent System/Network Theory coupled approach applied to the study of adoption of a new drug by doctors in Australia (Nazmun N. Ratna, Anne Dray, Pascal Perez and David Newth).

[WsErosion]: soil erosion risk and agricultural diversification in a Northern-Thailand watershed (Guy Trébuil, Christian Baron).

Dynamic Coupling

At the contrary, some others models exchange data with others applications during the whole simulation run.

[DataBase]: Cormas configuration for exchanges with Access databases by ODBC (Stanislas Boissau).

[MagmaS] : exchange of stock-farm effluents in Reunion island (Manuel Martin, Eric Piquet, Christophe Le Page and François Guerrin). Cormas and Vensim are coupled by DLL.

[SaintGeorges]: pasture and overgrowing brushwood in a village of Lozère, France (Emanuel Lieurain). Cormas, Access and ArcView are coupled by ODBC and DDE.

[Zambeze]: land-use dynamics in the Zambeze valley (Quinton Zunga, Antoine Vagnini, Christophe Le Page). Cormas and ArcView are coupled by DDE.


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