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Re: CorMAC

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Subject: Re: CorMAC
From: Jennifer Fenske (
Date: Sat Dec 02 2006 - 15:23:45 CET

Hi there,

I am using a Mac and everytime there is an error message, I click on
"debug" and this is what follows:
        " ***This is decompiled code.***
        The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to
point to
        an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been
modified after this
        method was updated."

Is this what you mean? If so, then, yes it happens everytime = maybe why
I am having problems understanding the language of the program. I have
used the Mac instructions for installation from the website. Perhaps I
will try it all again if it is a installation problem.


>>> Pierre <> 12/01/06 9:10 PM >>>

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