Actes de colloques


Uhnak P. & Bommel P., 2016. Facilitating the Design of ABM and the Code Generation to Promote Participatory Modelling. In: Sauvage, S.,Sánchez-Pérez, J.M., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 2016. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, July 10-14, Toulouse, FRANCE. ISBN: 978-88-9035-745-9. pp. 827-835

Becu, N., Bommel, P., Le Page, C., & Bousquet, F. 2016. Cormas, une plate-forme multi-agent pour concevoir collectivement des modèles et interagir avec les simulations. In, Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA). 5 - 7 octobre 2016, Saint Martin du Vivier (Rouen). ISBN: 9782364935594. Télécharger la version sur HAL 


Van Vliet, N., Nasi, R. Bousquet, F. Saqalli, M. Milner-Gulland EJ. 2009. Where and when we hunt counts more than how much we hunt: A case study on bay duikers in Northeast Gabon using a multi-agent system. Septembre 2009. 6ème Conférence ESSA, Guilford, U. K.

Saqalli, M. 2009. Testing social-driven forces on the evolution of Niger Sahelian rural farming socio-systems: A combined agent-based modelling and anthropological approach. Septembre 2009. 6ème Conférence ESSA, Guilford, U. K.


Becu N., Raimond C., Garine E., Deconchat M. et Kokou K. 2008. Emergent spatial organization from agricultural practices and social structure of Duupa society (north Cameroon): an agent-based modeling approach. 2008 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Boston, USA, 15-19 avril, 2008.

Etienne M., Bourgeois M. et Souchère V. 2008. Participatory modelling of fire prevention and urbanisation in southern France: from co-constructing to playing with the model. 4th biennial conference of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), Barcelona, Spain, 6-10 July 2008.

Naivinit W.,Le Page C., Thongnoi M. et Trébuil G., 2008. The process of modelling the rainfed lowland rice system of lower northeast Thailand with farmer participation. pp. 161-170 in Fourth National Agricultural Systems Conference "Agriculture for community and environment ready to handle climate change", 27-28 mai 2008, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande.

Naivinit W., Trébuil G., Thongnoi M., and Le Page C., 2008. Improving farmers’ adaptive capacity to manage water dynamics through participatory agent-based modelling and simulation in Northeast Thailand. XIIIth World Water Congress "Global changes and water resources: Confronting the expanding and diversifying pressures". Montpellier, France, 1-4 Septembre 2008.

Saqalli M., Gérard B., Bielders C., Defourny P. 2008. Marketing humanitarian support: Empirical agent-based modeling of development actions in Nigérien villages. 5ème Conférence ESSA. Septembre 2008. Brescia, Italie


Abrami G., Bazile D., Dionnet M., Dembélé S., Le Page C., Coulibaly H. 2007. Accompanying farmers in the building of collective rules for agrobiodiversity management. In : Environmental and rural sustainability through ICT : 6th Conference of the European Federation for Information in Agriculture, Food and Environment (EFITA 2007) and 4rd World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WCCA). Glasgow,Ecosse, 02-05 juillet 2007. link

Dung L.C., Le Page C. and Hoanh C.T. 2007. Participatory simulations of competing aquacultural and agricultural land uses in Bac Lieu Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In: Ekasingh B., Jintrawet A. and Pratummintra S. (Eds) Proceedings of Asian Simulation and Modeling 2007 (ASIMMOD 2007) "Towards sustainable livelihood and environment", Chiang Mai, Thailand, 9-11 January 2007. Pp: 313-318 link

Dumrongrojwatthana P., Barnaud C., Gajaseni N. and Trébuil G. 2007. Companion modeling to facilitate adaptive forest management in Nam Haen sub-watershed, Nan Province, northern Thailand. In: Ekasingh B., Jintrawet A. and Pratummintra S. (Eds) Proceedings of Asian Simulation and Modeling 2007 (ASIMMOD 2007) "Towards sustainable livelihood and environment", Chiang Mai, Thailand, 9-11 January 2007. Pp: 327-333 link

Le Page C., Bousquet F. 2007. The Cormas platform. Tutorial. ESSA 2007 : 4e Conférence de l’Association Européenne de Simulation Sociale. Toulouse, France, 10-14 septembre 2007.

Naivinit W., Le Page C., Thongnoi M., Trébuil G. and Srisombat N. 2007. Use participatory modeling to validate and build multi-agent system model regarding rainfed lowland rice and labour management in Lower Northeast Thailand. In: Ekasingh B., Jintrawet A. and Pratummintra S. (Eds) Proceedings of Asian Simulation and Modeling 2007 (ASIMMOD 2007) "Towards sustainable livelihood and environment", Chiang Mai, Thailand, 9-11 January 2007. Pp: 306-312 link

Worrapimphong K., Gajaseni N. and Bousquet F. 2007. Participatory modeling for razor clam management at Don Hoi Lord Ramsar site, Thailand. In: Ekasingh B., Jintrawet A. and Pratummintra S. (Eds) Proceedings of Asian Simulation and Modeling 2007 (ASIMMOD 2007) "Towards sustainable livelihood and environment", Chiang Mai, Thailand, 9-11 January 2007. Pp: 319-326 link


Barnaud C., F. Bousquet and G. Trébuil 2006. Multi-Agent Simulations to Explore Rules for Rural Credit Management in a Highland Farming Community of Northern Thailand. In proceedings of: First World Congress on Social Simulation, (WCSS'06), Kyoto, Japan, 21-25 August 2006, p. 279-286.

Barnaud C., Promburom P., Gurung T.R., Le Page C. et Trébuil G. 2006. Companion modelling for collective learning and action in water management: lessons learnt from three case studies in northern Thailand and Bhutan. International Symposium "Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mountainous Regions", Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 7-9 mars 2006.

Bazile D., Abrami G., Dembele S., Le Page C., Dionnet M., Coulibaly H. 2006. Les paysans au cœur de la construction de règles collectives de gestion de l’agrobiodiversité. Colloque International sur la gestion concertée des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement - du local au mondial: pour un dialogue entre chercheurs, société civile et décideurs. Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), France, 26-28 juin 2006.

Becu N., Sangkapitux C., Neef A., Kitchaicharoen J. et P. Elstner. 2006. Participatory simulation sessions to support collective decision: the case of water allocation between a Thai and a Hmong village in northern Thailand. International Symposium "Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mountainous Regions", Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 7-9 mars 2006.

Saqalli M. 2006. Multi acteurs, multi activités: simulations multi agents pour la détection des changements dans l'organisation sociale des villages de l'Ouest Nigérien. 6e Conférence Francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation - MOSIM’06 "Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation des Systèmes : Défis et Opportunités", Rabat, Maroc, 3-5 avril 2006.


Abrami G., Bazile D., Le Page C., Dembele S. and Dionnet M. 2005. Preparing a framework for participatory modelling of farmers seed systems in Mali: varieties selection and exchange. 3rd annual conference of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA). Koblenz, Germany, September 5-9, 2005.

Barnaud C., Promburom P., Bousquet F. et G. Trébuil. 2005. Companion Modelling to Facilitate Collective Land Use by Akha Villagers in Upper Northern Thailand. In: "Sustainable Use of natural Resources and Poverty Dialogue in Montane Mainland South East Asia" (MMSEA IV), 16-19 mai 2005, Sapa, Viêt-Nam. Proceedings disponibles sur CD-Rom. 17 p.

Bazile D., Le Page C., Dembele S., Abrami G. 2005. Perspectives of modelling the farmers’ seed system for in situ conservation of sorghum varieties in Mali. 5th Conference of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and Environment (EFITA) and 3rd World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WCCA). Vila Real, Portugal, July 25-28, 2005.

Bonté B., Penot E., Le Page C. ,Tourrand J.-F. 2005. Linking a farming system modelling tool (Olympe) with a multiagent system software (Cormas) in order to understand resources uses in agricultural complex systems. 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS2005). Riga, Létonie, 1-4 juin 2005.

Bousquet F., Müller J.P., Barnaud C., Suphanchaimart N. et Trébuil G. 2005. Companion modelling for resource management in Thailand rice ecosystems. In: "First Asia-Europe Workshop on Sustainable Resource Management and Policy Options for Rice Ecosystems" (SUMAPOL 2005), 10-14 mai 2005, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Chine. 19 p.

Bousquet F. et G. Trébuil. 2005. Synergies between multi-agent system and role-playig game in companion modelling for integrated natural resource management in Southeast Asia. In: V. Kachitivichyanukul, U. Purintrapidan et P. Utayopas (Eds). "Proceedings of SIMMOD 2005", Bangkok, Rose Garden, 17-19 janvier 2005. Pp: 461-469.

Dray A., Perez P., Le Page C., D'Aquino P., White I.M. 2005. Companion modelling approach : The AtollGame experience in Tarawa atoll (Republic of Kiribati). In : Zerger, A. and Argent, R.M. (eds). Advances and applications for management and decision making. Proceedings of the MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Melbourne, Australie, 12-15 décembre 2005.

Lacombe G., F. Bousquet, M. Kuper, C. Boonmun, S. Phupak, W. Naivinit, C. Vejpas et G. Trébuil. 2005. How farmers can manage variability in the rice ecosystem of northeast Thailand? The contribution of agent-based modelling. In: V. Kachitivichyanukul, U. Purintrapidan et P. Utayopas (Eds). "Proceedings of SIMMOD 2005", Bangkok, Rose Garden, 17-19 janvier 2005. Pp: 345-352.

Macandog D. 2005. Multi-agent simulations of the human impacts and landscape dynamics of agroforestery adoption in the uplands of southern Philippines. In: V. Kachitivichyanukul, U. Purintrapidan et P. Utayopas (Eds). "Proceedings of SIMMOD 2005", Bangkok, Rose Garden, 17-19 janvier 2005. Pp: 319-326.

Naivinit W. et P. Bommel. 2005. Companion modelling to understand interactions between land & water use and labor migration in lower northeast Thailand: context methodology and preliminary findings. In: V. Kachitivichyanukul, U. Purintrapidan et P. Utayopas (Eds). "Proceedings of SIMMOD 2005", Bangkok, Rose Garden, 17-19 janvier 2005. Pp: 444-452.

Promburom P. 2005. Participatory multi-agent system modeling for collective watershed management in northern Thailand: a companion modelling method. In: V. Kachitivichyanukul, U. Purintrapidan et P. Utayopas (Eds). "Proceedings of SIMMOD 2005", Bangkok, Rose Garden, 17-19 janvier 2005. Pp: 453-460.


Boissau, S. 2004. The uses of gaming-simulations and multi-agent systems in a companion modeling approach: some insights from an experience in Vietnam. Communication présentée à: "Mansholt PhD-day", Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 2 juin2004.

Bousquet F. et G. Trébuil. 2004. Companion Modeling and Multi-Agent Systems for Collective Learning and Resource Management in Asian Rice Ecosystems. "World Rice Research Conference", thème 13: "Farmers/participatory approaches to facilitate adoption of improved technology", 4-7 novembre 2004, Tokyo et Tsukuba, Japon. Pp: 401-404.

Elliston, L., Hinde, R. et Yainshet, A. 2004. Plant disease incursion management. In: "MAMABS 2004", New York, USA.

Lacombe G., Bousquet F., Naivinit W. et Trébuil G. 2004. A Multi-Agent Model to Help Managing Rainfall Variability in the Rainfed Lowland Rice Ecosystem of Northeast Thailand. "Mekong Rice Conference", Caravelle Hotel, Ho Chi Minh Ville, Viêt-Nam, 15-17 octobre 2004, IRRI Press.

Promburom P. 2004. Participatory Multi-agent Systems Modelling for Collective Watershed Management: The use of role-playing games. "International Environmental Modelling and Software Society iEMSs 2004 International Conference: Complexity and integrated resources management", Université d'Osnabrück, Allemagne, 14-17 juin 2004.

Promburom P. 2004. Participatory Multi-agent Systems Modelling for Collective Watershed Management: The use of role-playing game and MAS Model. "2nd International Conference fo the European Social Simulation Association" et "2nd Model To Model Workshop", Valladolid, Espagne, 16-19 septembre 2004 .

O. Thebaud, O. Guyader, J.-C. Soulié, et A. Tétard. 2004. The economic consequences of producer responses to accidental pollution: a fishery example. In: "Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics". Montreal, Canada, 2004.

O. Thébaud et J.-C. Soulié. The bio-economic implications of fisheries responses to spatial and temporal regulatory controls. In: "Proceedings of the World Fisheries Congress". Vancouver, Canada, 2004

Torii, D., Ishida, T., Bonneaud, S. et Drogoul, A. 2004. Layering social interaction scenarios on environmental simulations. In: "MAMABS 2004", New York, USA.

Trébuil G., Bousquet F. 2004. Companion modeling with multi-agent systems for collective learning and resource management in Asian rice ecosystems. In: K. Toriyama, K.L. Heong, and B. Hardy (eds), Rice is Life: scientific perspectives for the 21 st century, Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference, Tokyo and Tsukuba, Japan , 4-7 november 2004. 401-404.

Vejpas C., Bousquet F., Naivinit W. et Trébuil G. 2004. Participatory Modelling for Managing Rainfed Lowland Rice Varieties and Seed System in Lower Northeast Thailand. "Mekong Rice Conference", Caravelle Hotel, Ho Chi Minh Ville, Viêt-Nam, 15-17 octobre 2004, IRRI Press.


Boissau, S. 2003. Co-evolution of a research question and methodological development: an example of companion modeling in northern Vietnam. Papier présenté lors de "International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems for Integrated Natural Resources Management", Chiang Mai, Thailand, 18-20 octobre 2003.

Farolfi, S., Le Page, C., Bommel, P. et Erasmus L. 2003. Evaluating policy options for management of livestock effluent in the Reunion island using a multi-agent system. Communication présentée lors de la "25ième Conférence Internationale des Economistes Agricoles". Durban, Afrique du Sud, 16-22 août 2003.

Soulié J.-C. et O. Thébaud. 2003. A multi-agent simulation model for short term analysis of fisheries dynamics. In: J.P. Müller (Ed). "Proceeding of the 4th International Workshop on Agent Based Simulation", Montpellier, France, 28-30 avril 2003. Society for Computer Simulation. Pp: 113-119.

Thébaud O. et J.-C. Soulié. 2003. Towards a multiagent simulation model for the analysis of short term fisheries dynamics: a case study. In: "Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists". Brest, France, 14-16 mai 2003.

Thébaud O. et J.-C. Soulié. 2003. Short term analysis of fisheries dynamics: a multi-agent simulation approach. In: "Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation". Thème: "Integrative Modelling of Biophysical Social and Economic Systems for Resource Management Solutions". Townsville, Queensland, Australie, 14-17 juillet 2003. International Society for Computer Simulation.

Trébuil G. et F. Bousquet. 2003. Interdisciplinary Training Course on Multi-Agent Systems, Social Sciences and Integrated Natural Resource Management in Thailand: Lessons from an inter-university project. "Grad Blueprint 2003: Multidisciplinary programs, management for future graduate studies", 7-9 mai 2003, Sol Twin Towers and The Graduate School-Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thaïlande. 13 p.


Antona, M., Bommel, P., Bousquet, F. et Le Page, C. 2002. Interactions and organization in ecosystem management: the use of multi-agent systems to simulate incentive environmental policies. "Agent-Based Simulation 3", Passau, Allemagne, 7-9 avril 2002.

D'Aquino, P., Le Page, C., Bousquet, F. et Bah, A. 2002. Self-designed role-playing game and multi-agent system to empower a local decision-making process on land use management: the SelfCormas experiment in Senegal. "7th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics", Sousse, Tunisie, 8-10 mars 2002.

D'Aquino, P., Barreteau, O., Etienne, M., Boissau, S., Bousquet, F., Le Page, C., Aubert, S. et Daré, W. 2002. Participatory modelling: methodological appraisal of five forms and uses of role-playing games and multi-agent systems. "7th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics", Sousse, Tunisie, 8-10 mars 2002.

D'Aquino, P., Barreteau, O., Etienne, M., Boissau, S., Bousquet, F., Le Page, C., Aubert, S. et Daré, W. 2002. The role playing games in an ABM participatory modeling process: outcomes from five different experiments carried out in the last five years. In: A.E. Rizzoli et A.J. Jakeman (Eds). "Integrated assessment and decision support. iEMSs. 1st biennial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society", Lugano, Suisse, 24-27 juin 2002. Pp: 275-280.

Aubert, S., Le Page, C., Joly, H., Razafindraibe, R., Ranaivoson, J., Ralalaoherivony, S.B., N'Daye, I.C. et Babin, D. 2002. Conception, adaptation and diffusion of a computer-assisted role game about phytogenetic resources management at a rural level in Madagascar. "7th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics", Sousse, Tunisie, 8-10 mars 2002.

Barreteau, O. 2002. Joint use of role games and models: a review. Introduction to the thematic session. "7th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics", Sousse, Tunisie, 8-10 mars 2002.

Daré, W. 2002. Role playing games in negotiation on irrigated systems : between play and reality. Proposal of a methodology. "7th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics", Sousse, Tunisie, 8-10 mars 2002.

Etienne M. et Le Page C., 2002. Modéliser les dynamiques paysagères pour accompagner un projet d'aménagement du territoire : le cas du Causse Méjean. In: "Gérer les paysages de montagne pour un développement concerté et durable". Florac, France, novembre 2002.

Farolfi, S., Le Page, C., Tidball, M. et Bommel, P. 2002. Management of livestock effluent in Réunion. Use of a multi-agent system to analyse the economic behaviour of players. "Agent-Based Simulation 3", Passau, Allemagne, 7-9 avril 2002.

Etienne, M. 2002. SYLVOPAST a multiple target role game to assess negotiation processes in sylvopastoral management planning. "7th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics", Sousse, Tunisie, 8-10 mars 2002.

Etienne, M., et Le Page, C. 2002. Modelling contrasted management behaviours of stakeholders facing a pine encroachment process: an agent-based simulation approach. In: A.E. Rizzoli et A.J. Jakeman (Eds). "Integrated assessment and decision support. iEMSs. 1st biennial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society", Lugano, Suisse, 24-27 juin 2002. Pp: 208-213.

Etienne, M., Cohen, M. et Le Page, C. 2002. A step-by step approach to build-up land management scenarios based on multiple viewpoints on multi-agent system simulations. In: A.E. Rizzoli et A.J. Jakeman (Eds). "Integrated assessment and decision support. iEMSs. 1st biennial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society", Lugano, Suisse, 24-27 juin 2002. Pp: 257-262.

Galtier, F., Bousquet, F., Antona, M. et Bommel, P. 2002. Les marchés comme systèmes de communication. Une évaluation de la performance de différentes institutions de marché à l'aide de simulations informatiques. "SYAL", Montpellier (France), 16-18 octobre 2002.

Lardon, L., Steyer, J.-P., Bernet, N. et Le Page, C. 2002. Modeling and analysis of biofilms formation and evolution in wastewater treatment processes using multi-agent systems. In: A.E. Rizzoli et A.J. Jakeman (Eds). "Integrated assessment and decision support. iEMSs. 1st biennial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society", Lugano, Suisse, 24-27 juin 2002. Pp: 226-231.

Le Page, C. et Bousquet, F. 2002. Multi-agent simulations and multiple scales: computational implementation and field experiments. "98th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers", Los Angeles, USA, 19-23 mars 2002.

Trébuil G., Baron C., Bousquet F. et B. Shinawatra-Ekasingh. 2002. Collective Creation of Artificial Worlds Helps the Governance of Concrete Natural Resources Management Problems. In: "International Symposium on Sustaining Food Security and Managing Natural Resources in Southeast Asia: Challenges for the 21st Century", 8-11 janvier 2002, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande. 10 p.

Trébuil G., Shinawatra-Ekasingh B., Bousquet F. et C. Thong-Ngam. 2002. Multi-Agent Systems Companion Modeling for Integrated Watershed Management: A Northern Thailand Experience. In: Jianchu X. et S. Mikesell S (eds). "Landscapes of diversity. MMSEA 3", Lijiang, Yunnan, Chine, 25-28 août 2002. Yunnan Science and Technology Press, Chine. Pp: 349-358.


Antona, M. et Farolfi, S. 2001 : Décision et négociation des politiques environnementales : l'application de la fiscalité dans les pays du Nord et du Sud. In: "PIREE, Les Instruments des Politiques Environnementales", Sophia Antipolis, France, 5-6 avril 2001.

Bécu, N., Perez, P., Walker, A. et Barreteau, O. 2001. CatchScape: an integrated multi-agent model for simulating water management at the catchment scale, a Nothern Thailand case study. In: F. Ghassemi, M. McAleer, L. Oxley et M. Scoccimarro (Eds). "Integrated models for natural resources management across disciplines, issues ans scales. MODSIM 2001", Canberra, Australie, 10-13 décembre 2001. Pp: 1141-1146.

Barreteau O. et Bousquet, F. 2001. From a conceptual model to its artifacts: building on experiments using the SHADOC model. In: F. Ghassemi, M. McAleer, L. Oxley et M. Scoccimarro (Eds). "Integrated models for natural resources management across disciplines, issues ans scales. MODSIM 2001", Canberra, Australie, 10-13 décembre 2001. Pp: 1123-1128.

Bousquet, F. 2001. Multi-agent simulations and ecosystem management. In: F. Ghassemi, M. McAleer, L. Oxley et M. Scoccimarro (Eds). "Integrated models for natural resources management across disciplines, issues ans scales. MODSIM 2001", Canberra, Australie, 10-13 décembre 2001. Pp: 43-52.

Bousquet, F., Trébuil, G., Boissau, S., Baron, C., d'Aquino, P. et Castella, J.-C. 2001. Knowledge integration for participatory land management: the use of multi-agent simulations and a companionable modelling approach. In: "Participatory technology development and local knowledge for sustainable land use in Southeast Asia", Chiang Mai, Thaïlande.

Bousquet F., Castella J.-C., Trébuil G., Boissau S. et Kam, S.P. 2001. The use of multi-agent simulations in a companionable modelling approach for agro-ecosystem management. In: "Integrated Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Workshop", 28-31 août 2001, CIAT, Cali, Colombie.

Castella J.-C., Boissau S., Hoang Lan Anh et Husson O. 2001. Enhancing communities adaptability to a rapidly changing environment in Vietnam uplands: the SAMBA role-play. In: "International Conference  Sustaining Upland Development in Southeast Asia: Issues, tools & institutions for local natural resources management", Makati, Metro Manilla, Philippines, 28-30 mai 2001.

Le Page C., Etienne M. et Bousquet, F. 2001. Using Dynamics Spatial Entities in Agent-Based Simulations. In: F. Ghassemi, M. McAleer, L. Oxley et M. Scoccimarro (Eds). "Integrated models for natural resources management across disciplines, issues ans scales. MODSIM 2001", Canberra, Australie, 10-13 décembre 2001. Pp: 1129-1134.

Rouchier, J. et Bousquet, F. 2001. The possibility to use gift as a paradigm for exchanges among agents. "MAAMAW", Grenoble, France.


Bakam, I., Kordon, F., Le Page, C. et Bousquet, F. 2000. Formalisation de modèles multi-agents par les réseaux de Petri: application à l'étude d'un système de gestion de la chasse à l'Est-Cameroun. In: A. Corenthin et B. Philippe (Eds). "Proceedings of the 5th African Conference on Research in Computer Science. CARI'2000", Antananarivo, Madagascar, 16-19 octobre 2000. Inria Editions, Pp: 265-272.

Boissau S., Romagny B. et Weber, J. 2000. Le concept de capacité de charge explique-t-il la dégradation des forêts ? In: "Medenpop 2000. Conference Population Rurale et Environnement en Contexte Bioclimatique Méditerranéen", Djerba, Tunisie, 25-28 octobre 2000.

Bommel, P., Libourel, T. et Lardon, S. 2000. Conception objet dans le cadre des systèmes d'information spatiaux. In: "Agrégation spatiale et généralisation. INFORSID", Lyon, France, 14 p.

Bousquet, F., Le Page, C., Antona, M. et Guizol, P. 2000. Ecological scales and use rights: the use of multiagent systems. In: "Forest and society : the role of research. XXI IUFRO World Congress 2000", Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie. Pp: 730-742.

Castella J.C., Boissau S., Trang Ngoc Trung et Dang Dinh Quang. 2000. Approche multi-échelles des dynamiques agraires des zones de montagne du bassin du Fleuve Rouge (Viêt-Nam) fondée sur le couplage entre simulations multi-agents et systèmes d'information géographique. In: "International Conference "Integrated Natural Resources Management in Tropical Wetland Areas, GIRN-ZIT" 20-23 juin 2000, Bamako, Mali, 22p.

Kam, S. P., Castella, J. C., Hoanh, C. T., Trébuil, G. et Bousquet, F. 2000. A mas simulation toolkit to model natural resources management based on dynamics at multiple scales. In: "Integrated Natural Resources Management in the CGIAR: Approaches and Lessons", Penang, Malaisie, 21-25 août 2000.

Le Page, C., Bousquet, F., Bakam, I., Bah, A., et Baron, C. 2000. CORMAS : A multiagent simulation toolkit to model natural and social dynamics at multiple scales. In: "The ecology of scales", Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 27-30 juin 2000.


Boissau, S., Locatelli, B. et Weber, J. 1999. Population and environment relationship: a U-shaped curve hypothesis. In: "Planetary Garden 99", Chambéry, France, 14-18 mars 1999. Pp: 125-128.

Bousquet, F., D'Aquino, P., Rouchier, J., Requier-Desjardins, M., Bah, A., Canal, R. et Le Page, C. 1999. Rangeland herd and herder mobility in dry intertropical zones: multi-agent systems and adaptation. "VI International Rangeland Congress", Townville, Australie, 19-23 juillet 1999.

Kozlack, J., Demazeau, Y. et Bousquet, F. 1999. Multi-Agent system to model the Fishbank play process. "CEEMAS", Varsovie, Pologne.

Le Page, C., Lardon, S., Bommel, P., Baron, C. et Bousquet, F., 1999. Entités spatiales génériques et modèles de simulation multi-agent. In: M.P. Gleizes et P. Marcenac (Eds). "Ingénierie des systèmes multi-agents.JFIADSMA'99", Saint-Gilles, Ile de La Réunion, France, 8-10 novembre 1999. Hermès, Paris. Pp: 341.

Le Page, C., Bousquet, F., Takforyan, A. et Bakam, I. 1999. Simulations on virtual worlds: understanding the interactions between ecological and social dynamics. In: "Planetary Garden 99", Chambéry, France, 14-18 mars 1999. Pp: 286-290.


Barreteau, O. et Bousquet, F. 1998. Un système multi-agents représentant les modes d'organisation dans un système irrigué. In: "SFER: Irrigation et gestion collective de l'eau en France et dans le monde". Montpellier, France.

Bousquet, F., Gautier, D. et Le Page, C. 1998. Resource management and scale transfer: the contribution of multi-agent systems. In: Suan Pheng Kam et Chu Thai Hoanh (Eds) "Scaling methodologies in eco-regional approaches for natural resource management". Ho Chi Minh ville, Viêt-Nam. IRRI editions, Pp: 61-67.

Canal, R., Bah, A., Bousquet, F. et D'Aquino, P. 1998. Les systèmes multi-agents génétiques. Application à l'étude de la mobilité pastorale en zone intertropicale sèche. In: M. Tchuente (Ed). "Proceedings of the 4th African Conference on Research in Computer Science. CARI'98", Dakar, Sénégal, 12-15 octobre 1998. INRIA Editions Pp: 71-82.


Weber, J., 1997. La coordination des usages des ressources renouvelables dans un écosystème forestier tropical: le rôle des simulations et des systèmes d'information. In: "Systèmes écologiques et actions de l'homme", Carry-Le-Rouet, France. CNRS Editions. Pp: 197-202.


Bousquet, F., Barreteau, O., Mullon, C. et Weber, J. 1996. Modélisation d'accompagnement: systèmes multi-agents et gestion des ressources renouvelables. "Quel environnement au XXIème siècle ? Environnement, maîtrise du long terme et démocratie", Abbaye de Fontevraud, France.

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Dernière modification : 25 août 2008

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