Publications extérieures


Elliston, L., Hinde, R. and Yainshet, A. 2004. Plant disease incursion management. in MAMABS 2004, New York, USA.

Torii, D., Ishida, T., Bonneaud, S. and Drogoul, A. 2004. Layering social interaction scenarios on environmental simulations. in MAMABS 2004, New York, USA.

Marietto, M., David, N., Sichman, J. and Coelho, H. 2003. Requirement analysis of agent-based simulation platforms: State of the art and new prospects. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence:125-141.

Janssen, M.A., J.M. Anderies, M. Stafford Smith and B.H. Walker (2002), Implications of spatial heterogeneity of grazing pressure on the resilience of rangelands, in Janssen, M.A. (ed.) Complexity and Ecosystem Management: The Theory and Practice of Multi-agent Systems, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham UK/ Northampton, MA, USA. pp. 103-124.

Parker, D., Berger, T. and Manson, S., editors. 2002. Agent-based models of land-use and land-cover change. LUCC Report Series, 6, Indiana University.

Petit, O. 2001. Combining mas with gis: Another way to "pixelise" the commons? The Common Property Resource Digest. Quaterly Publication of the international association for the study of common property:9-11.

Röling, N. 1999. Modelling the soft side of the land: The potential of multi-agent systems. Pages 73-97 in C. Leeuwis, editor. Integral design: Innovation in agriculture and resource management. Mansholt Institute, Wageningen.


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